Saturday 5 September 2020

Career in Physical Education In India [Latest]

Career in Physical Education: Mainly, there are two types of career options in the field of physical education. The first type of career option is related to teaching and coaching physical education. These are called traditional careers in physical education. The second type of career option is related to emerging careers in physical education, i.e., health-related careers, related careers, sports performance related careers, media-related careers, etc. The above-mentioned careers in the field of physical education are described here.

Teaching Career in Physical Education

Physical education has traditionally been considered a professional field appropriate only for those interested in teaching career. The teaching career offers many rewards to the teachers whether they are engaged in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, senior secondary schools, colleges or universities. This career is usually considered to have many benefits.

Career in Physical Education

The teacher, in the field of physical education commands deep respect among the students because he makes a good contribution to society. This career provides internal satisfaction. In teaching career, there is better job security. Teaching opportunities in the field of physical education at different levels are described as follows.

Elementary School

It has been recognised that physical education is a must in elementary schools. Basie skills and attitudes can be learnt well in this period. Physical education plays a vital role in the all round development of children. Even eminent psychologists say that motor as well as sensory experiences of children are extremely important in the development of intelligence. Through the programmes of physical education, children become creative, develop self- image and grow in a holistic manner. 

Generally, the teachers of other subjects, who are not specialised in physical education, teach physical activities. This is the main drawback in India. Owing to this, Indians are lagging behind in the field of sports at world level, as physical education is compulsory in elementary schools in advanced countries of the world. Such countries win laurels for their countries at world level. 

The government as well as society must lay stress on implementing physical education in primary schools and qualified physical education teachers should be appointed in these schools so thát they may help in making good sports persons and fittest citizens.

Middle School

Career opportunities for physical education teachers in middle schools are ample but only in the schools of big cities. In such schools, there is a separate syllabus for VI, VII and VIII classes. In government middle schools, there are rare opportunities of employment for physical education teachers. Although, the subject of physical education is offered in such schools, it is implemented in a formal way. In some schools, where teachers of physical education are employed, they are required to teach other subjects also. Consequently, it can be said that in middle schools, the opportunities of jobs in the field of physical education are not sufficient.

High School

Generally, there are a number of opportunities for jobs in the field of physical education in government and private/public high schools. Specialised teachers of physical education are appointed in such schools. They are required to teach theory and practicals of physical education. They are also required to prepare various teams of sports for inter-school competitions.

Senior Secondary School

It is a common practice throughout the country to engage special teachers of physical education in senior secondary schools. In some schools, lecturers in physical education are appointed to teach theory. Physical education is an optional subject in government and senior secondary public schools. These teachers are required to maintain discipline in schools. They also need to prepare various teams of sports for inter-school tournaments. There are ample opportunities of jobs in such schools.

College and University

There are many job opportunities to teach physical education in colleges and universities. Physical education is an optional subject in colleges. There are various professional courses in physical education in a number of colleges, such as Certificate Course in Physical Education (CPEd), Diploma Course in Physical Education (DPEd), Bachelor degree in Physical Education (BPEd), Certificate Course in Yoga, BSc in Physical Education and sports and Master's degree in Physical Education (MPED or MA in Physical Education) and MPhil, etc. 

PhD in physical education is associated with universities and some renowned colleges. Prerequisite qualification is Master's degree and NET in physical education to teach physical education in colleges. Preference is given to PhD degree holders. To teach at the university level, PhD research work and publishing of books are also essential qualifications along with college level qualifications. At the college level, preparation of various teams of sports is also an associated job, whereas at university level, only teaching is required. At the university level and college level (some professional colleges), teachers are required to teach various subjects, such as Research Methodology, Test and Measurement, Sports Psychology, Sports Sociology, Sports Biomechanics, Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology, Organisation and Administration, etc.

Teaching in non-school settings, such as teaching in sports clubs, teaching in youth and community organisations, teaching in centres for elders, teaching in resorts, etc., are applicable in USA, UK, Germany, France, Japan and Russia. In India, fewer job opportunities are available in this field as compared to other countries.

Coaching Career in Physical Education

Coaching career is also a traditional career in the field of physical education. Many physical educators prefer to opt for coaching as a career. There are a number of job opportunities for coaching as in the field of teaching Many coaches want a dual career as a teacher and coach, whereas others desire solely to coach. Opportunities to coach exist in both, the school and non-school setting. Opportunities of jobs
are available to coach in middle schools, high schools, senior secondary schools (specially in private public schools), in colleges and universities. At school level, a coach may be required to teach physical education and also to coach a team. He/She may be appointed solely to coach a team.

Career in Physical Education

But it is applicable only in private public schools and not in government schools. In colleges and universities, coaches may be appointed to coach various teams for inter-collegiate and inter-university competitions. Numerous job opportunities are also available in state sports department and Sports Authority of India (SAD in non-school setting. Coaching opportunities are also available with professional teams, commercial sports clubs, hotels, private enterprises and government sector A coach with his team There are also some advantages and disadvantages of a coaching career.
They are required to conduct practice the competition and to coach during the match. During practice sessions and matches, the coach must motivate the players to make their best efforts so that their maximum level of performance can be achieved A coach must be a good teacher A prospective coach should obtain a diploma course in concerned game or sport. Master of Sports (MS) degree is an additional qualification for higher level of coaching.

Health-related Careers in Physical Education

During the last twenty years, there has been a rapid increase in the awareness of health Nowadays, people have become mare health conscious. They want to be healthy and fit. They want to keep away from the various diseases, such as hypertension, heart diseases and disorders such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, ete. They have realised the value of health. Everyone wants to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In fact, it has become a big industry, The main concentration is on collecting money from the public rather than trying to provide good service. But there are a number of health and weight control clubs which are reputed and have excellent programmes. Physical educators may find ample job opportunities in such health and weight control clubs.
The activities and services provided by there clubs vary but fitness activities remain the same. The facilities to play various games, such as squash, tennis, swimming, etc, are usually provided by these clubs. Other facilities like whirlpool, saunas steam rooms and massage are also offered, Instructions regarding diet and nutrition are also given to the clients, In health clubs, where weight control and nutritional counselling are main concerns, physical educators may evaluate the clients' dietary habits a that they may reach the goal. As the interest in being fit and healthy in our society grows, job opportunities also appear to be excellent.

Administration-related Careers

Owing to increased sports participation and sports-related business, there is a need for individuals trained in sports management. Now administration-related career opportunities Are available in various fields, such as sports administration, management of sports clubs and facilities, sports marketing and promotion, etc.
In fact, administrators are required not only in teaching areas but also in areas not connected with teaching such as sports programmes. The careers related to administration in physical education are as follows.

Department of Physical Education

There are many universities and colleges in India, where various courses of physical education are being taught. In such departments, the administration lies in the hands of chairman or head. He/She is the sole administrator of the teaching department. Teachers of physical education and other clerical staff work under the chairperson/head. The senior teacher of the department usually acts as the chairman. In India, there is no need for separate management qualifications for such a post, because it is typically based on seniority.

Sports Department

There are many job opportunities related to administration in sports department. The post of director of sports exists in almost every university in India. The director of sports is responsible for the administration of various programmes of games and sports. These posts may be found at district level for schools' competition. The designation of AEO (sports) or ADEO (sports) is given to them. There may be the post of Assistant Director of Sports at the University level to assist the Director of Sports. 

The Director of Sports is responsible for the administration of men's and women's sports and games. He/She supervises coaches and assistant coaches. The Director of Sports must be knowledgeable regarding the rules and regulations of sports competitions including the eligibility of sports participants. His/ Her other jobs are fixing of dates for competitions, arranging officials, and planning for transportation, lodging and boarding. He/She is also responsible for preparing the sports budget.

Performance Related Careers In Physical Education

Many jobs are also available for skilled sports persons in government and private sectors, such as in defence services, banks, companies or industrial corporations, railways, etc. In western countries, many sports persons in such sports as baseball, basketball, football, hockey, athletics, golf, boxing, tennis, etc, earn more in a decade of employment than an average worker during a lifetime vocation. The professional players related to 'New York yankies' get highest salaries in the world. 

Martina Navaratilova is currently one of the world's highest paid sportspersons through commercial advertisements. Billie Jean King became the first woman tennis player in 1971 to win 1,00,000 dollars in a year. There are so many examples in India also, especially in cricket. The sports persons, who want to pursue professional careers in sports, may fail to get professional ranks or have to leave the professional arena after a few years.

As Officials

The smooth conduct of a sport tournament or competition depends on good officials. As it has already been discussed above that the performance of players remains for short duration. Generally, it is a career of approximately ten years. After that sports persons may pursue the career as officials because they know the ins and outs of the game. Such type of job opportunities are available as part-time officials or full-time officials. A good official must be able to work under pressure. Officiating can be a challenging career, but in India it is still in budding stage as less number of competitions are held in comparison to western countries.

Careers in Communication Media

The communication media, i.e., television, radio, newspapers and magazines, etc., have contributed to the enhancement of various career opportunities in sports communication. The above-mentioned means of communication have increased the sports coverage. Cable television channels, such as ESPN, Ten Sports and Star Sports provide 24 hours coverage of sports and games. In fact, it has enhanced a number of career opportunities in communication media. There are various careers related to communication media. These are stated subsequently.

Sports Journalism

Physical educators, who have a talent for writing may opt a career as a sports journalist. The sports journalist may get opportunities to work with newspapers and in sports magazines, because the space for coverage of sports news as well as the number of newspapers and sports magazines is increasing rapidly. Sports journalists may write live events and feature articles about sports persons or on various topics about sports. The covering of the sports event and reporting are the most vital part of this career. Stories based on research, compiling statistics, and interviewing of players and coaches are all functions of the journalists. A sound background of physical education can be beneficial to a sports journalist. 

Book Writing

Career opportunities are widely available in book writing in the field of physical education and sports, specially in India. As a matter of fact, there is shortage of books on physical education and its allied subjects in India. Some physical educators, who have deep knowledge of various subdisciplines of physical education, such as sports biomechanics, sports sociology, sports medicine, exercise physiology, research methods, sports psychology, sports philosophy, sports pedagogy, sports management of various sports, may write textbooks, considering this as a part time career. This field also requires interest, concentration and writing talent.

Sports Photography

Sports photography is another career which can be pursued by physical educators. But this career is applicable only to those physical educators who have a keen interest in photography and a strong desire to communicate to public the true meaning of sports through photographs. A talent in photography is essential for opting for such a career. There are ample opportunities for sports photographers with newspapers and in sports magazines, such as Sports Week, Sports World, Khel Khiladi, etc.

Book Publishing

Publishers of books on sports and textbooks of physical education, its subdisciplines and allied subjects such as health education and recreation need the people who are knowledgeable about the field of physical education. Editorial workers are needed who are familiar with the demands of publications in areas related to physical education and sports. This type of job requires a knowledge of physical education, writing and editorial skills. Other people are needed in the sales area, including direct sales, which usually involves travelling throughout the country to sell books.

Sports Broadcasting

Sports broadcasting has become a popular career. Career opportunities may be found with radio and television stations, including cable television at local, regional and national levels. Sports broadcasting requires not only the knowledge of the game but also the ability to communicate clearly. 

Marketing Career in Physical Education

Public's increasing interest in sports and games, health, fitness and physical activities has stimulated the sales of sports goods. Consequently, job opportunities in marketing and selling sports equipment have increased. Private companies need persons with an understanding of physical activities Persons are needed who are familiar with the sports equipment needs and changing demands.

Sports Industry

Careers are also available in sports industry. A person who wants a career in sports industry must have the knowledge of physical education and sports. One may establish a sports industry at a small scale. It may be related to only T-shirts and tracksuits. It may be related to only sports footwear. The knowledge of research and designing is also vital for such jobs, because new types of sports equipment and new types of tracksuits or swimsuits which are beneficial for increasing the performance of sports persons (without losing standards) are always in demand. For example, in yesteryears, loose shorts were used by sprinters but now they prefer skin tight shorts because these shorts have less air resistance and keep the sprinters active and agile.

Conclusion of Career in Physical Education

Many career options have been discussed in this chapter but still, there are many careers in the field of physical education which can be created. As a matter of fact, career opportunities in the field of physical education are limited only by one's imagination. Lambert points out that one's definition of physical education can serve to limit or expand one's horizons.

If we define physical education only as "the teaching of sports, dance and exercise in public schools" it can limit job opportunities. On the other hand, if we define physical education as the "art and science of human movement" it can open a number of careers before us. Various careers can be created in the field of physical education, such as sports biomechanics, sports medicine, sports nutrition, sports sociology, sports psychology, sports history, motor learning, etc.

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