Sunday 23 August 2020

Top 4 Basic Asanas Yoga Poses For increasing Concentration

Asanas Yoga Poses For increasing Concentration:Concentration is one's power of focusing or attention on something. It is an important attribute in our life that enables us to perform well in all that we do. Yoga, by its nature, is said to be a great means to improve concentration. Meditative exercises, through certain yogic asanas, help train mind and bring it to a relaxed state.
Through this technique, we can deal with feelings of stress and anxiety and focus well on the work at hand.There are many studies that have shown yoga to improve concentration, contribute good mental energy and bring a balance of body and the mind. Some of the asanas yoga poses that help improve concentration are discussed below.

Top 4 Basic Asanas Yoga Poses


Sukhasana is a combination of two words: ’Sukha' and 'asana'. 'Sukha' means 'pleasure' or 'happiness' and 'asana' means posture.

Procedure: Sit with legs straight in front of the body. Then bend the right leg and place the foot under the left thigh. After that bend the left leg and place the foot under the right thigh. Keep the hands on the knees in such a way that the palms should rest on the knees. Keep your head, neck and back straight. Close your eyes and relax the whole body.

  1. It is a good meditation posture.
  2. It improves concentration.
  3. Increases the glandular functioning.
  4. Improves leg strength and flexibility.
  5. Cures arthritis and knock-knees.
  6. Calms the mind.
  7. It improves posture.
  8. It reduces stress and anxiety.
  9. Facilitates mental and physical balance without causing strain.
  10. Strengthens the back.

Contraindications: The individuals who have knee injury should not perform this asanas yoga poses for long duration.


Procedure: Stand up in attention position. Lift your arms upwards. Stretch your hands upwards. Raise your heels, and come on your toes. Also pull up your body upwards. After some time breathe out slowly and come to the previous position. Repeat the same 10 to 15 times.

  1. It is helpful in developing physical and mental balance.
  2. It reduces obesity.
  3. It cures constipation.
  4. It cures digestive problems.
  5. It improves body posture.
  6. It alleviates sciatica.
  7. It is an excellent asana for those who wants to enhance their height.
  8. It is beneficial in treating hypertension.
  9. Improves the concentration of mind.

  • If you have low blood pressure you should not practise this asanas yoga poses.
  • In case of headache or insomnia you should avoid practising this asanas yoga poses.
  • Individuals, who suffer from blood circulation problems such as faulty valves, should not perform this asana yoga poses.


'Padma' means 'lotus' and 'asana' means 'posture It means sitting in a position without any movement.

Procedure: First of all sit in a squat position. Place the right foot on the left thigh so that the heel of the right foot may touch the hip bone of the left thigh. Then, lift the left foot and in the same way keep it on the right thigh. The backbone should be straight and erect. Place your arms on the knees. After practising it for few days, it becomes easy to perform this asanas yoga poses.


Padmasana increases the focus of mind and concentration.

  1. It calms the brain.
  2. It helps to relax the body.
  3. It helps to stimulate the abdomen and spine.
  4. This asana is the base for all asanas yoga poses and it straightens hip and knees.
  5. It helps in reducing blood pressure and muscular tension.
  6. It helps in reducing abdominal fat.
Contraindications: Those individual who suffer from sciatica or weak or injured knees should not practise this asana yoga poses. This asana should not be practised until you have good flexibility of your knees.

Shashankasana (Hare Pose)

Procedure: Sit in Vajrasana. Place hands on the thighs. Keep the upper body straight and relaxed while inhaling, raise both the arms above the head. Keep them straight and shoulder width apart. Exhale while bending the trunk forward from the hips, keeping the arms and head straight and in line with the trunk. Then, hands and forehead should rest on the floor in front of the knees. Bend the arms slightly so that they are fully relaxed and let the elbows rest on the floor.

Retain breath for up to five seconds in the final position. At the same time, inhale and slowly raise the arms and trunk to the vertical position. Exhale while lowering the arms to the knees. Practice this 3 to 5 times. Those who want to calm anger may increase the duration of the final position from 3 to 10 minutes.

  1. It helps to relieve fetigue and promotes concentration of mind.
  2. It helps in relieving anxiety and depression due to its calming effect.
  3. It improves blood supply to the head and therefore nourishes eyes and all the brain functions.
  4. It releases the pressure on the discs.
  5. It regulates the functioning of adrenal glands.
  6. Regular practice relieves constipation.
  7. The spine gets a forward stretch and becomes flexible and strong.
  8. It stimulates the functioning of pituitary, pineal, thyroid and parathyroid glands.
  9. It reduces the excess fat in the abdominal region.
  10. It also controls diabetes.
  11. It increases the memory power.

Contraindications: Those individuals who are suffering from high blood pressure or slipped disc should not perform this asana yoga poses.

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Importance of Yoga

It is a universal truth that modern age is the age of stress, tension and anxiety. Nowadays, most of the people are not leading a happy and productive life. They indulge in materialism. Their life is full of problems. At last, it can be alluded that everybody, whether rich or poor, is not happy in the present-day life. Kin Hubbard has rightly said, "It is pretty hard to tell what brings happiness: poverty and wealth have both failed." Everybody is in a hurry. 

Human beings have no time to think about leisure. Everything is time-bound and we are chasing time. This makes us physically tired and mentally tense. In order to get rid of physical fatigue and mental tension and stress, we have devised certain means. We attend parties and take drinks for relief, satisfaction and relaxation, but instead of getting peace and relaxation we suffer with more tension, stress and fatigue.

Purchased relaxation does not provide us with peace and satisfaction in real life. We further sink in various complex problems. That is why, we are falling prey to various diseases. At this juncture, yoga can be significant for us.

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