Thursday 17 September 2020

Meaning, Importance, Components Of Physical Fitness (2020)

Meaning And Importance Of Physical Fitness (2020): Physical fitness is the capacity to meet the present and potential physical challenges of life with success.Physical fitness has various components. Different sports activities and physical activities develop each component in varying amounts. For example, sports that include constant movements, such as swimming and running, improve heart and lung efficiency.

Meaning And Importance Of Physical Fitness

Different people have different points of view regarding physical fitness. For a common person to have a good physique is a symbol of physical fitness. For a doctor, the proper functioning of physiological systems is physical fitness. In fact, physical fitness is a simple term with a broad meaning. Physical fitness of a common person means the capacity to do the routine work without any fatigue or exertion and after doing his/her work he/she has power to do some more work with quick recovery. Physical fitness is more than the possession of strength and endurance. 

It means having the best possible health with the capacity to do one's everyday task, engage in recreational pursuits and meet emergencies, when they arise. As a matter of fact, physical fitness is possessed by that individual who remains enthusiastic, works cheerfully and does the emergency work with vigour. Physical fitness implies a relation between the task to be performed and the individual's capability to perform it. In fact, to understand the physical fitness in a better way, it would be more beneficial to go through the following definitions of physical fitness.

  • According to Webster's Encyclopaedia"It is the ability of a person to do daily routinework without fatigue; moreover to participate in playful activities and still reserve enoughcapacity to meet any emergency."
  • According to Don Hoskins"The human body's ability to move with the desired speed,balance,agility and strength gained through proper exercise and nutrition."
  • According to Kroles, "Successful adaptation to the stresses of one's lifestyle."
  • According to David R Lamb"Physical fitnesɛ is the capacity to meet the present and potential physical challenges of life with success.”

In fact, it can be said that physical fitness is the ability to function effectively and efficiently, enjoy leisure, be healthy, resist disease and cope with the emergency situations. Physical fitness varies according to the nature of work, individual's size, shape of the body, age and sex. For physical fitness, we require an efficient motor mechanism, efficient organic mechanism and an efficient mental functioning. 

A physically fit individual should possess a sufficient reserve of energy to meet the demands of emergencies in which a person is unexpectedly called upon to perform activities demanding unusual expenditure of strength, energy and adaptive ability under unfavourable environment.

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Components Of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness has various components. Different sports activities and physical activities develop each component in varying amounts. For example, sports that include constant movements, such as swimming and running, improve heart and lung efficiency, whereas gymnastics improves flexibility. The various components of physical fitness are described below.


Strength is the ability of the muscles to overcome resistance. It is a major component of physical fitness. Strength can also be defined as the amount of force a muscle or a muscle group can exert. Strength of the body can be measured in pounds or dynes, A certain level of strength is also essential for a common person while for a sportsperson to have strength is of paramount importance. 

Meaning, Importance, Components Of Physical Fitness (2020)

Some avocations or sports may require less amount of strength while other avocations or sports require much more strength. In the same way sports or avocations require different types of strength. For a better understanding, strength can be divided into two parts- (1) dynamic strength and (2) static strength.

Dynamic Strength:Dynamic strength can be called isotonic strength because it is related to the movements. In pull-ups and push-ups, we require dynamic strength. While doing such workouts, there is a diminishing tendency in dynamic strength and as a result, after some time, muscles refuse to do work. At this juncture, a person is not able to do even one extra pull-up or push-up. Movements are clearly visible when someone uses dynamic strength. In each sports movement, strength appears in a different form. Generally, dynamic strength can be divided into three parts:
1. Maximum Strength: It is the ability to act against maximum resistance. Maximum strength is not usually used in majority of sports. It is usually used in those sports in which very heavy resistances have to be tackled e.g, weightlifting, shot-put, hammer throw, discus throw and javelin throw. In other sports, maximum strength is required for a short period, e.g, cross position in Roman rings in gymnastics, starting and accelerating phases in sprinting events, take off in long jump, high jump, triple jump and in pole-vault. In such sports, maximum strength is really very important.
2. Explosive Strength: Explosive strength can be defined as the ability to overcome resistance with high speed. In fact, it is a combination of strength and speed abilities. Explosive strength is generally used in sprint starts, weightlifting, shot-put, hammer throw, javelin throw, discus throw, long Jump, high jump, triple jump and pole-vault. Up to some extent, it is also used in endurance events, specifically in the start and spurt phases. In the above-mentioned sports, this force is applied just like an explosion; that's why it is called explosive power.
3. Strength Endurance: It is the combination of strength and endurance abilities. Strength endurance can be defined as the abillity to overcome resistance or to act against resistance under conditions of fatigue. It can be a form of static or dynamic strength depending on the fact whether the movement is static or dynamic. Strength endurance is commonly used in long distance races, swimming, road cycling, pole-vault and combative sports. So, it can be alluded that strength endurance is usually applied in most of the sports.

Static Strength: Static strength is also called isometric strength. It is the ability of muscles to act against resistance. Static strength can be measured by dynamometer. This type of strength is not experienced directly. Static strength is not usually applied in sports. It is applied in phases in weightlifting.


Speed may be defined as the ability or capacity of an individual to perform a movement of the same pattern at a faster rate. In fact, speed is the ability to move the body as fast as possible, especially in running. However, different sport skills require different types of fast movements and quick reactions. Speed of movement is much more than just running speed; it includes the speed of body parts, such as the explosive strength of the shot-putter's body across the throwing circle or the speed of a gymnast's in-hand spring.

Components Of Physical Fitness

 Most of the sports require speed over short distances such as running between the wickets in cricket. Speed depends on the type of muscle fibres. There are two types of muscle fibres-fast twitch and slow twitch. Fast twitch fibres are able to contract rapidly and produce maximum force, whereas slow twitch fibres contract slowly and produce less force.

Therefore, fast twitch fibres fatigue quickly, whereas slow twitch fibres fatigue slowly. Now it can be decided easily whether an individual is suited to speed-related events, or for events which are related to endurance because percentage of these fibres in an individual can be measured. Training can enhance speed by reducing the reaction time of the individual. Most probably, speed is used in every sport except endurance-related sports.

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Endurance is another component of physical fitness like speed and strength. It is the ability to sustain an activity. Here also defines endurance as the ability to resist fatigue. In all sports, endurance is directly or indirectly of high importance. It is usually measured by the number of repetitions. For example, the number of sit-ups an individual can complete in one minute is often used to measure the endurance of the abdominal muscles. The type of endurance varies from sport to sport. 

Components Of Physical Fitness

Basically, there are two types of endurance, ie., short-term endurance and long-term endurance.
  1. Short-term Endurance: Short-term endurance is needed in sports wherein the Endurance - an ability to sustain an activity action or movement only for short duration and intense, e.g., in hockey, football,wrestling, etc. 
  2. Long-term Endurance: Long-term endurance is needed in sports wherein the action or movement is for a longer duration and is less intense, e.g., in long distance races, road cycling, cross-country races, etc. Endurance is not only needed in sports but also needed for a common individual in his/her day-to-day life. Endurance can be increased by continuous training method, interval training method and repetition method.

Flexibility is a necessary component for physical fitness. Flexibility is the range of movements of joints. An individual, who has proper flexibility, can perform his/her work very easily. Such people seem to be attractive. Usually, they tend to have good personality.

Flexibility is not only a significant factor in sports but also equally significant for an individual in his/her daily life. The range of movement varies significantly from joint to joint but depends on the structure of the surrounding tendons, ligaments and muscle tissues. Flexibility is related to genetic factors as well as physical-activity programmes.) Usually, tight joints prevent smooth and efficient movements.

Flexibility training prevents muscular injuries. Maintaining flexibility throughout the life, specially in back and leg muscles, may help in preventing back problems. Flexibility is helpful in learning various skills easily such as back stroke in swimming. These skills can be learn easily if an individual has ample flexibility.

Components Of Physical Fitness

Flexibility Are Two Types
1. Passive Flexibility: The ability to carry out movements to greater distance with external help is called passive flexibility, e.g., stretching exercises with the help of a partner. Passive flexibility is always more than active flexibility. In fact, passive flexibility is the foundation for active flexibility.
2. Active Flexibility: Active flexibility is the ability to carry out movement to a longer distance without any external help, e.g., to do a stretch without the help of a partner. Active flexibility can further be divided into two parts- (a) static flexibility and (b)dynamic flexibility.
· (a) Static Flexibility: Static flexibility is usually required by a sportsperson when he remains in a static position, e.g., while diving, sitting, lying and in starting position in various sports.
· (b) Dynamic Flexibility: Dynamic flexibility is needed for carrying out movements to greater distance when an individual is in motion. Both types of flexibilities are essential for a general individual and for a sportsperson. Flexibility can be achieved through stretching exercises. Before performing stretching exercises, one should do gentle jogging or slow running.

Coordinative Abilities 

Before 1980, speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and agility were considered the main components of physical fitness, but after that the term 'agility' changed into coordinative abilities. The term 'agility' was discontinued because it was not clearly defined and there was no unanimity in explaining its meaning. So, nowadays 'coordinative abilities' is used in place of agility. 

Components Of Physical Fitness

Coordinative abilities mainly depend on the central nervous system. The coordinative abilities are those abilities of an individual which enable the individual to do various related activities properly are well as efficiently. Our accuracy, rhythm, flow and constancy depend on our coordinative abilities.

These abilities can be of various types such as balance ability, rhythm ability, adaptation ability and reaction ability. These types of abilities can be enhanced through general or specific exercises. Usually, the beautiful and graceful movements of our body are directly related to our coordinative abilities. These types of abilities are very much helpful in gymnastics and diving

Coordinative abilities can be improved if we carry out correct overments. We should avoid incorrect movements while playing any game or sport. If we take the above-mentioned points into consideration, coordinative abilities can be improved.

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